Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fandom Rant: afive dees summoar

XD Yes, I know, twice in a row. When the comic updates more regularly there'll be more variety, promise.

Just really a few comments anyway: There was this very-likely-dubbed-in talk about Yusei being an insectophobe, and it was really funny because they'd all go "OMG YUSEI HE IS SO SCARED!" and Yusei was all "-_- what are you people talking about?!" (Not vocally, his facial expression said it.)

And Yusei quoted (paraphrased?) Yugi from the Panik episode of Duelist Kingdom, which was one of my favorite episodes from the Duel Monsters series. XDD He is Yugi's mindslave.

Also, whatta heck was up with the bully dude (Lenny)'s posse? Why the giggling man's hand no move?

Jack's voice is still absolutely hilarious.